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Thursday, August 19, 2010

House sitters in - we're out!

The day for us to start our trip has finally arrived and all preparation time over the last week has evaporated at an alarming rate. The house sitters are in and have been given instructions about alarms etc - hope they follow the alarm procedure well because not so long ago we managed to have the police on our doorstep when we accidentally activated the silent alarm! Wonderful to have the technology and back-to-base stuff but sometimes a bit tricky.

We had a lovely dinner at our neighbours Indian restaurant on Tuesday night with Nona (now 1 week overdue), Colin and the Bryans. Hope the curry can have some effect on Nona's impending birth as we would love to welcome the newest Lowther before we leave.

I'll keep this blog short as we still haven't finished packing and only have hours till our taxi arrives to take us to the airport.

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