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Thursday, August 12, 2010

6 days to go!

I can't believe the speed at which time is passing as our countdown till we leave gets closer. The hour hand seems to be spinning like a fan! The external memory of daily chores yet to be completed is increasing, despite being busy with what was already in place...??

Great news earlier this week - the Chev is finally registered and ready to go. The rear view cameras, DVD head rests, under seat storage and 5th wheeler hitch have all been fitted.

I didn't realise some of the complexities between States in the USA. We bought the Chev in Texas and we insured it there through a National insurance company. However, the only street address we could use was in Florida, therefore registration was required to be in Florida. It took 3 weeks to discover that the Florida Dept of Motor Vehicles would not register our truck unless insurance was taken out in their State. Thus, we cancelled the insurance in Texas and re-insured through a broker based in Florida with exactly the same insurance company!?

Unfortunately the Sierra is not yet registered, but soon to be, we hope. Phil (United RV's Sales Manager) told me they could fit temporary plates, however, as the correct plates will be coming from Florida, I'm not too confident they'd find us when we start our travels. I think it's better for us to wait in Dallas till we get them. The safes are in place and later today (Texas time) the rear vision camera will be fitted.

I took Meryla to Canberra on Wednesday to meet with her new teachers in Distance Education. They were great, very helpful and understanding of the flexibility needed by those "on the road". We're very happy that they'll allow us to do the vast majority of Meryla's schooling via the internet. Not too much required in the way of postage - that being said, they gave us all their paperwork for the balance of the course for 2010. The box is one of those outer boxes you get when you buy 6 reams of paper - it's absolutely full of Meryla's work!! There goes the "travelling light" concept.

Grace and I also took Chantelle and Rochelle to Stanmore yesterday to meet their new teacher at the Primary School Distance Ed. They both have the same teacher (Frank Bowman) who has about 12 other students in various locations around the world. 2 are on a yacht somewhere, 2 are in the USA travelling with an exhibition of Australian reptiles (that was poorly written, sounds like the kids are part of the exhibition), another 2 or 3 are travelling somewhere in Australia prior to them going overseas, a boy in Bosnia and a few others whose location I've now forgotten.

Frank puts out a weekly newsletter so it will be great to learn more about their travels as we do ours. Unfortunately, the Primary School curriculum doesn't lend itself to be covered via the internet. We've got some of their material for the next few weeks but I have to go back there on Wed next week to get 2 more packs for each of them. We have to post their completed work back to Australia every 2 weeks so I guess we're about to learn lots about the American postal system.

Today Grace and I are off the the solictiors to sign updated wills (sounds morbid I know) then the accountants to complete the tax returns. I'm also trying to get the video conferencing working properly. For those I've not told, the lovely folk at Chantelle's and Rochelle's current Primary School (Shelley) are setting up a Blog site so that the girls can communicate with their current classmates. They'll be able to upload and send both pictures and video clips, all within the safe confines of the Department of Education' intranet.

The video conferencing (if we can get it to work) will allow our girls to see and talk to their classmates and vice versa live while we are in locations with suitable time zone differences. The concept is great - fingers crossed.

Tomorrow we're going to our boat to meet someone who is flying up from Tasmania. I have relucantly decided to sell her after about 15 years of faithful service and fun.
 Boats are wonderful and provide a fantastic lifestyle, but are a terribly expensive burden, particularly when not being used as often as they should. Chantelle is very upset about selling the Statesman and was in tears again last night - certainly doesn't make my decision any easier. Well, we'll see what he offers - it's really a terrible time to sell as the market for our size boat is very depressed, down 20% over the past 10 months. However, to keep her would still cost us over $10,000 per year for mainteneance, insurance, etc...

On our return to Australia we'll look again at boats. Our decision will be guided by what available time we will have as the girls sport and leisure commitments may cause us to wait till they get older. We will dearly miss the great people we've had so much fun with for so many years in the Berowra Waters Motor Yacht Club - fear not (or fear lots), the Lowther's will return to the BWMYC as active members!!

Time now to call this blog to an end - it's getting long winded and the girls are preparing for their 3rd last day at school - a time for drama, happiness and tears.

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