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Friday, September 3, 2010

Temporary stopping of blogs

We're in Seattle and will board the ship for the cruise to Alaska tomorrow. Kristy recently told me when she and David did the trip in May, internet access was VERY expensive, very slow and charged by the minute.

Unless something has changed, we won't be updating our trip till the 12th or 13th Sept - we should then have many tales to tell :~D


  1. Hi there Alan, Grace, Meryla, Chantelle and Rochelle. Sounds like you are having a great trip. I liked reading your posts. Take care, Emily

  2. Hi Emily,

    Sorry about the delay in saying hello and thanks for your comment. As bad as it sounds, I've only just started to read comments! Trust you and the family are well are the return to school of the "Old Man" isn't too painful! Cheers,
