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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The road to Hill City, South Dakota (13, overnight in 14 to 15 - under 18)

We drove from Denver pretty much due north through the centre of Colorado heading for an overnight stay at Glendo in Wyoming, then north east to Hill City in South Dakota. The drive was quite easy and once we left sight of the Rocky Mountains a few hours north of Denver, the terrain flattened out through Wyoming to that of flatlands and slow rolling hills covered with Tundra.
From time to time to break the Great Plains there were a few small cliffs we photographed and a few road signs that reminded us of home.

It’s hard to believe with a population of around 260 million people, country areas in USA have miles and miles of plains without being able to see a house or two. More often than not, when you do see houses they seem to be sitting in open land, not surrounded by trees for shade and privacy or wind breaks of any sort.

It wasn’t till we entered the Custer County area in the south west of South Dakota that we caught sight of the Black Hills. Not spectacular at first but large and impressive.

Clearly Homer had been to our RV campground in Hill City before because as we (he) negotiated us towards our campground, he took us through various short cuts, back streets and dirt roads, none of which were appropriate for our rig!

1 comment:

  1. Makes for interesting driving - ask the Leyland brothers!
